Ribbon: Yellow with black edges and 2 narrow dark green stripes.

Instituted: 1892.
Awarded: For service in Africa.
Clasps |
1887-8 13 November 1887 - 2 Jamuary 1888, for operations against the Tonnie Tribe |
WITU 1890 17-27 October 1890, for a punitive expedition against the Sultan of Witu |
1891-2 29 December 1891 - 2 February 1892, for an expedition to Gambia |
1892 8 March - 25 May 1892, for expeditions against Tambi, Toniataba and the Jebus |
WUTI AUGUST 1893 7-13 August 1893, for more trouble with the Sultan of Witu |
LIWONDI 1893 February-March 1893, for a small naval force sent against Chief Liwondi |
JUBA RIVER 1893 23-25 August 1893, for a small volunteer force against the Somalis |
LAKE NYASSA 1893 November 1893, for another volunteer boat party against a local chief |
1893-94 16 November 1893 - 11 March 1894, for operations in Sierra Leone and Gambia |
GAMBIA 1894 23 February - 13 March 1894, commemorating heavy fighting and casualties for the naval brigade involved |
BENIN RIVER 1894 August - September 1894, for an expedition, chiefly naval, up the Benin River |
BRASS RIVER 1895 17-26 February 1895, for operations against King Koko |
1896-98 27 November 1896 - 27 June 1898, for several punitive expeditions into the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast |
NIGER 1897 6 January - 26 February 1897, for an expedition to Western Provinces |
BENIN 1897 6 February - 7 August, for a punitive column to Benin territory |
DAWKITA 1897 28 March 1897, the defence of Dawkita against Sofa tribesmen, in the Gold Coast |
1897-98 September 1897 - August 1898, for expeditions chiefly against the Ebos by Lagos Frontier Force |
1898 for futher expeditions |
SIERRA LEONE 1898-99 18 February 1898 - 9 March 1899, for 2 expeditions involving native troops and a naval brigade |
1899 February - May 1899, for expeditions in Southern Nigeria |
1900 4 January - 8 May 1900, for an expedition to Kaduna and against the Munshis in the Northern Province |