Orders, Decorations and Medals of the Republic of Iraq
Text List
Order of Abd al-Karim Qasim
Order of the Two Rivers
Bravery Medal
Wounded Medal
Supreme Worthiness Medal
Medal of Work
Police Distinguished Service Medal
1948-49 Palestine War Medal
Medal of Revolution of 14 July
General Service Medal
Police General Service Medal
Medal for Crushing of Northern Rebellion
Medal of Revolution of 14 Ramadan
Medal for 18 November 1963
Medal of Cooperation
Medal for 17 July 1968 Revolution
Medal for Peace
Medal for the Golden Jubilee of the Iraqi Army 1921-71
Medal for Arab-Israeli War 1973
Medal for the War Against Iran, 1980-88
Mother of Battles Medal
Martyr's Medal for Widows
World Medals Index
ODM of Iraq
Page last updated: 24 May 2008