Orders, Decorations and Medals of Romania

Flag of the Kingdom of Romania Flag of the Socialist Republic of Romania Flag of the Republic of Romania

Links and Other References


Peter Dangerfield, Emmanuel Halleaux, Nick Iorga, Călin Miclăuș, Ilja Repetski, and Yuri Yashnev, for sharing images so generously, and Alexandru Dasu who knows a lot about Kingdom awards and shares his knowledge freely.

Especial thanks to the Romanian Government, who have kindly supplied images.

Grateful thanks to Carsten Zeige, Dix Noonan Webb, eMedals, La Galerie Numismatique, Liverpool Medals, Medal-Medaille, Morton & Eden, and Spink & Son, who have allowed the use of images from their catalogues.


Romanian Government - Decorations of Romania - a fine display, wish all governments did this!

Medalii, Decoratii si Ordine Romanesti (Romanian Medals & Orders) - innovative use of blog technology to present an array of Romanian awards of all periods.

The Aerodrome - Medals and Decorations of Romania - WW1

Antonio Prieto Barrio - Ribbons of the Kingdom of Romania - Page 1 - Page 2

Antonio Prieto Barrio - Ribbons of Romania - Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6

David Danner - Medals of Romania (Archived January 2010)

David Devine - Rusty Knight's Place: Romania

Lukasz Gaszewski - Ribbons of the Principality & Kingdom of Romania 1861-1947

Lukasz Gaszewski - Ribbons of the Romanian People's Republic & the Socialist Republic of Romania

Lukasz Gaszewski - Ribbons of the Republic of Romania 1990-date

Nick Iorga - Orders and Medals

Jean-Paul LeBlanc - Medals of Romania (Archived July 2015)

Hendrik Meersschaert - Medals of World War 2: Romania

Călin Miclăuș - Faleristică Romnia - perioada comunistă [Romanian Phaleristics - Communist Era] - a fantastic virtual gallery you can wander through.

Mark Piersall - The Piersall Collection: Romania (Archived January 2014)

Dragos Pusca & Victor Nitu - Romanian Armed Forces in the Second World War - good section on awards

Ilja Repetski - World Awards: Romania

Eric Semon - Décorations de la Roumanie

Will Shade - Medals of the Balkans - including Romania (Archived March 2012)

Sven Vik - World Orders and Medals: Romania

Mario Volpe - Tavole ordini ROMANIA

Marcus Wendel - Awards & Decorations: Romania

Wikipedia - Orders, decorations, and medals of Romania - post-1998 system of awards

MedalBook - Romania

Text References

Ball, R.W.D., and Peters, P. (1994) Military Medals, Decorations & Orders of the United States & Europe: A photographic study to the beginning of WW2. Atglen, PA, Schiffer Publishing Ltd.

Barac, B. (2016) Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World: Part 1V Gold Book (P-Z). OBOL, Zagreb

Hieronymussen, P. (1967) Orders, Medals and Decorations of Britain and Europe Blandford, London.

Pankey, C.H. (2004) Hero Titles and Decorations of Socialist Romania. Journal of the Orders and Medals Society of America 55(5):17-26.

Kleitman, K.G. (1960) Romania: Queen Mary Cross. The Medal Collector 11(3):14-15.

Ruokonen, A. (2010) Yesterday and Today's Knights: Orders of Romania.

Ruokonen, A. (2021) Today's Knights: Orders of Romania. Punamusta

Stair Sainty, G. & Heydel-Mankoo, R. (Eds) (2006) World Orders of Knighthood and Merit Burke's Peerage and Gentry.

World Medals Index ODM of Romania Text List Ribbons

Page last updated: 27 March 2025