Ribbon: Pale blue.

Instituted: 28 February 1851.
Awarded: For service in India, 1799-1826, as indicated by the clasp(s) awarded.
Clasps |
ALLIGHUR (4 September 1803) Storming of Fort Allighur in the 1st Mahratta War |
BATTLE OF DELHI (11 September 1803) Scinde Army of 20,000 defeated by Lord Lake |
ASSAYE (23 September 1803) The 1st Duke of Wellington's victories with 4,000 troops against a French-officered native army of 50,000 |
ASSEERGHUR (21 October 1803) Surrender of Fort Asseerghur |
LASWARREE (1 November 1803) The Mahratta Army, marching to recapture Delhi, was defeated and dispersed with heavy casualties |
ARGAUM (29 November 1803) Battle on the plain of Argaum |
GAWILGHUR (15 December 1803) Siege and assault of a fortess of that name |
DEFENCE OF DELHI (8-14 October 1804) Attempt by Holkar to recapture the city |
BATTLE OF DEIG (13 November 1804) A heavily-contested battle near River Jumma |
CAPTURE OF DEIG (11-23 December 1804) Siege and storming of the fortress |
NEPAUL (October 1814 - March 1816) A 2-year campaign against the Gurkhas |
KIRKEE (5 November 1817) A Mahratta army of 26,000 defeated near Poona |
POONA (11-16 November 1817) The taking of Poona |
KIRKEE AND POONA Awarded to troops engaged in both actions |
SEETABULDEE (26-27 November 1817) The defeat of the army of the Rajah of Berar, near the city of Nagpore |
NAGPORE (16 December 1817) Siege and surrender of the city of Nagpore |
SEETABULDEE & NAGPORE Awarded to troops engaged in both actions |
MAHEIDPOOR (21 December 1817) Battle against the Pindarries |
CORYGAUM (1 January 1818) British column successfully defended itself against attack by over 28,000 enemy troops |
AVA (1824-26) Campaign in Burma |
BHURTPOOR (17-18 January 1826) For the final successful attack on the city |