Medals of the United Nations

UN flag

Links and Other References


Darrell S. who has shared some magnificent photos and Ed Emering who sends me pictures of UN medals almost as fast as new ones are made!


Medals awarded by the United Nations - this is the official site and contains full details of the terms of award and lists the nations which participated in each UN mission.

Jean-Paul LeBlanc - The United Nations

David Devine - Rusty Knight: United Nations Medals

Lukasz Gaszewski - Medals of International Organisations (including the UN)

Antonio Prieto Barrio - Ribbons of the United Nations - Page 1 - Page 2

Eric Bush - UN Ribbons

Antiques A to Z - The United Nations: Orders, Decorations, Medals

Text References

World Medals Index Medals of the UN Ribbon Chart Text List

Page last updated: 19 December 2015