Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration |
Medal for Exemplary Border Service |
Brotherhood in Arms Medal |
Medal for Merit in Fire Protection |
Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior Outstanding Service Medal |
Fighting Groups of Working Class Outstanding Service Medal |
Fire Protection Distinguished Service Medal |
Decoration for Merit for Reserve Service |
20th Anniversary of Democratic Land Reform Commemorative Medal |
20th Anniversary of the Foundation of Fighting Groups of the Working Class Commemorative Medal |
20th Anniversary of Foundation of GDR Medal |
30th Anniversary of the Foundation of the GDR Medal |
Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the National People's Army |
40th Anniversary of GDR Medal |
Medal for Long Service in the National People's Army |
Medal for Long Service in the Border Troops |
Medal for Long Service in Civil Defence |
Medal for Long Service in Barracked Police |
Medal for Long Service in Militarized Organs of Ministry of Interior |
Medal for Long Service in Fighting Groups of Working Class |
Medal for Long Service in Customs |
Reserve Badge of National People's Army |
Meritorious Technician of the Nation |
Honour Title of Meritorious Inventor |
Meritorious Miner |
Honour Title of Meritorious Worker of Energy Industry |
Honour Title of Meritorious Worker of Iron Industry |
Honour Title of Meritorious Worker of Chemical Industry |
Honour Title of Meritorious Worker of Metal Industry |
Honour Title of Meritorious Worker of Light & Food Industry |
Honour Title of Meritorious Worker of Communal & Accommodation Services |
Honour Title of Meritorious Construction Worker |
Honour Title of Meritorious Transportation Worker |
Honour Title of Meritorious Railroad Worker |
Honour Title of Meritorious Mariner |
Click HERE for more ribbons |