General Medal Links

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Andreas Anderberg - Orders and Medals - a personal collection based mainly on European Orders of Knighthood (archived October 2009).

José Vicente de Braganza - Phalerae - Falerística, História, Ordens Militares, de Cavalaria e de Mérito, Condecorações e Medalhas

Christopher J. Buyers - The Royal Ark - discusses royal houses past & present, including the orders and decorations that they awarded

Steve Cheeseman - Hall of Medals - various nations (archived December 2008).

David Danner - Military Collectibles - diverse collection of interesting material from many nations (archived December 2009).

David Devine - Rusty Knight's Place - in a new home and just as good as ever! Images of his worldwide collection.

Kris Duzniak - Polish Medals... but it's more than just Polish ones! (Archived February 2012).

Ed Emering - The Medal Hound - reflects his interests in French Colonial, Vietnamese, Spanish and Australian medals, and the medals of the Gulf War.

David Fay - The Orders and Medals of Indochina

Nick Iorga - Orders and Medals - primarily Romanian, but a growing selection from elsewhere.

Laszlo - Arabic and Hungarian Medals Homepage

Jean-Paul LeBlanc - Orders, Medals and Decorations: Your Starting Point on the Net (Archived July 2014).

Hendrik Meersschaert - Hendrik's Medal Corner - centred on Hendrik's own collection it concentrates on European material and on medals of the Second World War.

Jeremy Newman - Jeremy's Medal Collection - particularly fine images of items from his collection.

Mark Piersall - The Piersall Collection of Medals

Mirko Plavsic - Orders, Medals, Decorations and Coins of the World.

Pierre-Yves Raynier - Ordrés, Décorations et Médailles 1914-18 - comprehensive information on ALL participating nations

Ilja Repetski - World Awards

Henrik Revens - Scandinavian Orders and Medals - orders from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland (archived July 2008).

Francesco Saverio Sesti - The Interallied Victory Medal - comprehensive survey of the WW1 Victory Medal as awarded by the allied nations

Eric Semon - Les Décorations

Micheal Shackelford - Medals of the Great War - detailed site which looks at the awards conferred by all nations involved in WW1.

Will Shade - My Medal Collection - sadly neglected of late, but covering European awards in particular those of Imperial Germany (archived March 2012).

Mike Smith - Medals of the World

Sven Vik - World Orders and Medals - particularly good on Scandinavian awards, but good world-wide coverage as well

Yuri Yashnev - "For Merit" - images from his worldwide collection, most of the text is in Russian.

Links to the Chivalric Alliance of St John Orders

The Almanach de Bruxelles - not a medals site per se, but a fascinating collection of information about Royal houses, titles, orders of knighthood and other matters world-wide. - A collection of medals from around the world, presented as they would be worn on Swedish military uniforms

Medalhas de Guerra - Blog about military medals from around the world.

Tallinin Museum of Orders of Knighthood - looks at orders from around the world.

If you know of any good links, please let me know.

World Medals Index

Page last updated: 28 July 2018